Having done a walk near Robinson, the next day of the visit say me take in a 9 mile walk around Derwent Water from Barrow Bay to the summit of Catbells and back. It was certainly an interesting walk, which saw the first summit of the week.
The first photo opportunity on the cloudy day was Lodore Falls.

Then a misty scene from Mansty towards the higher grounds towards Borrowdale.

After skirting the lake, I came to a path that led up form the lake shore to Hause Gate and eventually to Catbells summit. The climb was fairly challenging for me on the day – having not been walking for a while. So was glad of a rest at Hause Gate. Note the remaining images are all blended images (HDR) in Adobe camera raw.

Then it was onwards to the summit of Catbells.
The views over Derwent water and around to the surrounding mountians and valleys are impressive, even from this small summit.

The clouds that I was in I think helped to create some atmosphere, lifting some dull conditions. I hope you think so too.