Finally a bright Saturday in 2016! After many grey days at the weekend it was a pleasure to walk around Blashford Lakes Nature Reserve today, and chase some of the elusive wild birds that are there. Well not literally chase, but try and get them in the frame of the lens, not easy, as the birds seem to have a sixth sense that means, once you point the lens their way they fly off.
The first obliging subject was this nice sunlit Mistle Thrush, on the path in the woodlands by Ellingham Drove.

The real chase the lens around about birds are these – Goldcrests. There are several of them along with even more lens elusive firecrests this year.
This is the best of many attempts that I got today of the Goldcrest.

The best of the missed shots was this one, many other featured the bird out of focus, flying off, twitching, or just an empty perch!