
Red Grouse in heather on Blakey Moor

Whilst up in the Yorkshire Moors I spent a couple of days photographing wildlife on the moors.  The first days results are in this previous post.  These wildlife images are of course, therefore, from the second day, which I spent walking locally around Westerdale’s nearby moorlands, and this day was much more productive. I’ll start though with another sheep image. This was not the first wild animal seen though, this

Sheep in the Heather

Sheep Pans – well some shots of some sheep and some panoramas to be true full.  These were all taking on the same day in North Yorkshire. The sheep ( rams ) were all seen on Fylingdales Moor, which is a large bit of moorland owned and managed by the Hawk and Owl Trust.  Unfortunately on my visit – the only animals seen close up were sheep, which was slightly