As well as staying in Salzburg – I also had a week staying in Garmisch-Partenkirchen, which is ideally situated for some stunning mountain views and trails. The first walk that I went on was on a fairly cloudy day, so I took the ski lift from the Olympic Stadium up to the summit of Eckbauer. The walk down from the top leads you through a zig-zagging easy path through some woodland, until you come to some grassy fields, which provide nice views across the mountains.

The purpose of the hike was to go through a beautiful gorge ( Partnach Gorge – or in German Partnachklamm). Walking down was definitely the best option – as the hike up from the gorge bottom to the fields was steep. I passed several panting people coming up as I strolled down. The gorge is along a well marked path through some tight dark tunnels at times, watch your head! The water flows through at a rapid rate, and you walk under waterfalls along the way. Waterproofs are worth wearing if you go.

Images taken on Olympus EM5 mk2 Camera.