Last Sunday I visited Testwood Lakes Wildlife Reserve. The day was overcast and grey – and I’ve never seen much there before – so what could I find this time out.
Well not a lot until I visited the first of the two bird hides there – where a Green Woodpecker was outside on the grass.

There were some distant ducks outside this hide too – but even with my Canon 300mm F4 and 2.x converter, they were just too far away to photograph. However I notice four cormorants sitting outside the next hide down. So I made my way down there and took a fair number of shots of them, these are the three I kept. I mainly liked there poses.

Then my attention turned to some swans, as a male swan was chasing off another.
First it appeared in full on aggression mode swimming style.

Before it finally had enough of the other one and launched its attack. This is the sequence of shots that I got.

So not bad results for a grey Sunday afternoon!