Following on from the walk up to Red Tarn, the next day saw a walk up Ulla Pike. I had seen the ridge walk before and wanted to do it. So with tiring limbs and a hot day set off from Dodds Wood car park on the trail up to Ulla Pike.
On the climb up those ridges, the worst thing was probably the flying ants. They were constantly landing on my sweating exposed skin, and had to be wiped off regularly. However the warm weather gave nice views. In the picture above in the far far distance is Scotland.
The final approach to Ulla Pike was slightly rocky.
But the summit was fairly easily made.
After looking at the views I walked on the ridge path and up the “Mound”, and onto Carl Side.
From Carlside you can choose to walk up a shale path to Skiddaw’s peak. Not something for me that day as was starting to feel the day on day walking, as it was not something I am used to.
So I now descended from Carlside to White Rocks down a long path, and after taking the view below returned to the car.