I recently purchased my first full frame digital Camera, and with good weather at the weekend it was time to try it out with my Canon 500mm Lens and another recent purchase a used Canon 100-400mm IS v1 lens.
I am impressed with the noise handling of this camera – especially when comapring it with my Canon 760D. Up to about 3200 the shots reveal very little noise, even when looking at 100%. Even up to 5000 ISO – the furthest I have pushed the Canon Mark IV so far, would satisfactory with a little denoise processing in most cases I think.
Here are some cropped shots that show the ISO performance. All taken on the 100-400mm on the Saturday – which was fairly overcast.

I also took these other shots – these are both uncropped – the first with a Nuthatch at Blashford Lakes bird feeder.

And a Robin in a tree – ISO 2500.

The Sunday was a brighter day – and this Dunnock was outside the Tern Hide at Blashford. This shots taken on my Canon 500mm Lens with 1.4x converter.

As well as shooting the Dunnock and the following pictures, I also tried out the Canon 5D MKIV’s 4K video recording. It is a bit of a card muncher – 8mins will fill up a 32G Card. Here is some edits from the footage.
At the woodland hide the window was free to use for a change and these shots and some of the above video are taken from it. Firstly a Goldfinch with an injured foot. In this shot it looks to me as if it is examining the injury.

I also spotted a Chaffinch that kept coming in and hovering on approach to the feeder. So I prefocussed the 100-400mm lens roughly where it was hovering and managed to get these three pictures of it in flight.

Finally at the base of the feeder was this opportunistic Grey Squirrel feeding on the bird seeds that had fallen to the floor.