I recently bought the LAOWA 15mm f/4 Wide Angle Macro Lens, and so after snapping some normal shots, thought I’d give it a quick try out with my converted Colour Infrared 20D Camera.
Here are my first results and impressions of this lens, when used for Infrared Photography.
As expected with a lens this wide, getting the sun in front will exhibit some dramatic lens flair that can be seen in the car image below.

The lens does preform well with flowers close up and am pleased with these two first results shown below. All the images were taken hand held and have had processing done in various Topaz Labs software for colour effects.
Pleasingly there were no central hotspots that I came across on the first try out. So this looks like a fun lens to add to my Infrared lens armory. It is light, has tilt shift on it – which will be interesting to try with some buildings in the future. The aperture is controlled manually, and this is the only minor down point to the lens, in the fine focus is best done with the lens wide open. I found it possible to see fairly easily though in reasonable light up to F11.