Summer is a time of colour for birds – with the adults in their breeding plummage – and the youngsters adding to is as they start to fledge. Perhaps one of the more startling transformations that is viewable in the UK is that of the Turnstone. From a drab white and brown winter birds – the adult breeding plumage is a bright orange.
I was lucky enough to see one recently in front of the Tern Hide at Blashford Lakes at the weekend.

Here it is again with a black-headed gull – showing the size difference – and why are the gulls not called brown headed ?

The redshank – however is bucking the trend…

Where as the Ringed Plover is always well dressed.

There were also some colourful – if not overly attractive Eygptian Geese about on the lake.

I mentioned earlier the young – and this – I think Reed Warbler – is just starting to get its adult feathers.

Yet another colourful – is the oddly named Grey Wagtail.

Finally – in the surrounding reeds – was a Male Reed Bunting with grasshopper food for its young.