Up until recently I would never normally shoot shots of wildlife above ISO 400. Preferring that ISO as a maximum that I would get away with. On my 50D I would occasionally go to 640 at a push, but found them fairly noisy, so kept 400 as my normal max. However with some recent posts on the forums and especially some on the Pixalo.com, I decided to try out higher ISO’s on some bird shots using my 650D, my latest digital camera. Having been impressed with some 800 and 1600 ISO shots, today I went and shot even higher at ISO 3200 and the maximum on the camera ISO 12800.
The main advantage being that the shutter speed is raised when comparing with a lower ISO using the same aperture – especially useful on poorer light days – and for shooting smaller birds that are constantly on the move around feeders.
These shots were all taken using the Canon 650D with a Canon 1.4x MKIII Extender and Canon 300mm F4 IS Lens.
Whilst I’ve not tried printing them out, I have found them more than usable for my viewing and posting on web forums. So I will more than likely use higher ISO in the future when needing to get a higher shutter speed, than a lower ISO will give you on a dull day.
The following shots show the image from the RAW file (just a minor levels & vibrance adjustment on the Nuthatch shots, and nothing on the chaffinch, on the before files.). I have followed these with a subsequently adjusted shot, using Topaz Denoise 5 (just picked the moderate.jpeg preset) and then an Photoshop CS6 unsharp mask. I hope you agree even those these images have been uploaded after a save for web, that the ISO 3200 are more than useable for web purposes. The 12800 being a slight step too noisy for my personal tastes.
First the ISO 3200 Shots

Chaffinch ISO3200 Original

Chaffinch ISO3200 Adjusted

ISO 3200 No Adjustment 100%


Nuthatch ISO3200


ISO 3200 No Adjustment 100%

And finally the ISO 12800 images.

Nuthatch ISO12800



About ChrisA
I have been taking photography seriously since 2004. I have a website dedicated to my favourite type of photography - macro @ www.macro-photo.co.uk I also enjoy taking landscape and wildlife shots, which I show on akeyphoto.co.uk I hope you enjoy both websites.