Yesterday I went to Blashford Lakes with my brother on a bright sunny winters day. It does sort of sum up the trial and tribulations of an amateur bird photographer, as well as the final high.
Went in the first hide – the birds were on the far bank -miles away….went to the what I call the Bittern hide (South Ivy Lake I think it is) – it was not there… went to the woodland hide, full with people with 600mms taking chaffinches on a feeder out of the window…walked to the far Ivy Lake hide. Not much about but spotted a Great White Egret on opposite bank in some trees. Something I’d only glimpsed before and never photographed. A shot to take!
It’s the small white thing in the trees…

So we decided to walk around to the bittern hide which is nearer the tree, but it was full up and the thing had its head down, so we decided to walk round the lake – to see if we could see it from the far side. Got there and from the far viewing shield – saw it had gone – to right outside the Bittern hide
Took some badly exposed Shovelers in a fit of pique…
Decided to walk back round to the bittern hide , expecting it to leave again. Almost empty hide, with two others in it. It was still there and was able to see it up close as it caught several fish and get some shots of it too. Added to that I saw the Bittern too! – no shots of it this time for me as I was more interested in this
The Great White Egret stalking fish

With Catch

Almost Gone…

About ChrisA
I have been taking photography seriously since 2004. I have a website dedicated to my favourite type of photography - macro @ I also enjoy taking landscape and wildlife shots, which I show on I hope you enjoy both websites.